An excellent kindergarten program with a fully certified teacher providing programming in accordance with the seven areas of child development outlined in Alberta Education’s Kindergarten Program Statement.

Educational field trip opportunities and in-class programs including visiting community helpers in our local community.

Work Stations and Play Centres that develop students' skills through purposeful play, including problem solving, shared meaning making and construction of new knowledge, leading students to value themselves as capable competent learners and active citizens.


Parental involvement with many ways to be a part of our amazing kindergarten!  Assisting in the classroom as a Parent of the Day, along with optional opportunities such as supervising field trips and class parties are just a few ways you can be a part of your child’s kindergarten experience. By being involved, you also get to know our teacher and meet other parents. The kindergarten program and its success are dependent on the strong support and involvement of parents.

Our kindergarten classroom is a welcoming place.  Children who are hesitant, quickly feel comfortable, develop their confidence, and join in.  We are fortunate to be able to offer a low student to teacher ratio which allows all children to have ample opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to be successful in grade one. 

What makes Hay Lakes ECS the right choice for my child?

At Hay Lakes ECS, parents can be involved in decisions that affect their child's education...

At Hay Lakes ECS, parents have the rare opportunity to have a voice in their child’s education in a warm and friendly environment.   Each year, a parent executive board consisting of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary leads the society in decision making and fundraising endeavours. Each position on the executive is a volunteer position that is filled by parents of students enrolled at Hay Lakes ECS.  It is a one year commitment of about 2-5 hours per month, including attending bimonthly general meetings.   Elections take place at the Annual General Meeting.

​Parents, who are not on the board, also attend bimonthly meetings of the society and have one vote per family on motions made at the meetings.  
Hay Lakes

Hay Lakes ECS offers...